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Anxiety in Seniors: Ways to Calm Down


Anxiety is not just the mere feeling of worry. It is more than that. It is constant nervousness and uneasiness that may result in trembling, hyperventilation, and palpitation that can affect one’s way of life. Anxiety is often caused by stress, and since seniors are more prone to stress compared to younger adults, they are also more susceptible to anxiety.

If you are a senior who is dealing with anxiety and are finding effective ways to relax, a trusted provider of Medicare benefit in Florida has laid them out for you below:

  • Consume Chamomile or Jasmin Tea

    Jasmin tea and chamomile tea has calming properties that can help you relax and calm down. These can even help you feel sleepy for an optimal state of calmness. No wonder it is sought after by the anxious and sleep-deprived!

  • Do Breathing Exercises

    Breathing exercises or simply counting to ten as you slowly breathe in and out is known to relax the mind and body, thereby making it a good way to alleviate stress and anxiety.

  • Exercise

    Exercise promotes good mental health. It also releases endorphins which help improve mood. Through exercise, you can also release the stress and tension that you are feeling when you are anxious.

  • Immerse Yourself in Some Counseling

    Counseling can help you navigate the thoughts, feelings, and scenarios that are making you feel anxious. Studies show that counseling for seniors can even help alleviate anxiety and the stress that often comes along with it.

If you wish to utilize your Medicare benefit in Texas to optimally relieve anxiety, please get in touch with A & B Counseling Services LLC today!


Blogs, content, and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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