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Processing Loss Through the Stages of Grief


Grief can have a significant impact on anyone, but these effects can be twice as difficult for the elderly. Losing a loved one can worsen existing health conditions and increase stress. When a senior is dealing with loss, it can be helpful to receive counseling and learn more about the grieving process.

As a company specializing in counseling for seniors, we will discuss the stages of grief:

  • Denial

    Denial helps seniors minimize the overwhelming pain of loss. It can be difficult to believe a person is truly gone, so it takes time for the mind to adjust. There is a lot to process at this stage and denial helps slow down this process to understand what is happening.

  • Anger

    As we adjust to a new reality, many experience emotional discomfort and become angry. Anger allows seniors to express strong emotions related to loss. A Medicare benefit in Texas can help seniors deal with the anger they feel and provide comfort and reassurance.

  • Depression

    At this stage, seniors may start to feel their loss more abundantly. Once the emotional fog clears, the loss feels unavoidable and more present. However, dealing with depression after a loss can be isolating and requires support.

  • Acceptance

    This is when we accept the reality of our situation. Although sadness and anger may still be present, it is the stage where seniors can begin to heal through acceptance and move on.

When an elderly loved one is going through the stages of grief, we at A & B Counseling Services LLC can help them process their loss, as well as help seniors deal with aging. As a Medicare benefit in Florida, we can guide them through this time and facilitate healing. Contact us to arrange our services.

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