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Roles and Responsibilities of a Geriatric Counselor

roles-and-responsibilities-of-a-geriatric-counselorThe number of American seniors has increased over the years. Thanks to the development of healthcare. Along with these positive aspects are the challenges that seniors face, including issues with our mental health. To overcome these challenges, we need the assistance of geriatric counselors for our counseling needs which are covered by the Medicare benefit in Florida. Read on to know more about the roles of a geriatric counselor.

  • Understand client needs
    Our geriatric counselor will try to comprehend our requirements prior to starting his/her work. This could include reviewing our medical history to know about our past and current medical conditions. They will try to determine any limitations that we may have, such as financial capacity and family status. We shouldn’t hesitate to ask for the assistance of geriatric counselors as this is under the Medicare benefit in Texas.
  • Be updated on our current conditions
    Usually, it is the duty of our geriatric counselor to be updated on our current condition. He/she does it in order to know our changing requirements, such as individual counseling when we have severe disease or accident.
  • Monitor the mental and emotional state of seniors closely
    Our geriatric counselors will often monitor us seniors regarding our mental and emotional state. It’s not uncommon for us to experience and deal with psychological problems such as depression at this point in our life. Our geriatric counselor will usually assist us in coping with these kinds of problems and provide guidance in dealing with the challenges of life.

At A & B Counseling Services LLC, we can avail of services that would enhance our quality of life as seniors. Feel free to contact us about our counseling for seniors.

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